Tuesday, April 17, 2018

argument essay 4 free write

Argument argument argument argument misinformation in the media is a huge issue affecting all citizens of this country. Misinformation can be found is social media and on tv. People are brainwashed to think a certain piece of information is true when in reality, the fact nay have been altered or completely switched. Misinformation affects voters who listen to the misinformation and believe that it is true and go to the voting polls with that false information in mind. They vote for people or policies based on the information they have gathered and may possibly vote for something they would not normally vote for. This is dangerous to democrat since voters are not voting for what they truly want for this country but what someone else had said. Republic Democracy was established in the united states as the main government type through the founding fathers because they wanted to know what their citizens wanted for their country while the officials would work for the people. Misinformation switches the roles of having the government officials telling citizens what they believe is correct and hav e the people work for the government. My head hurts so much and with all this clicking I hear it is just making it worse so I dont feel like typing anything more.
I hate the government and anything to do with politics because everything is so corrupt nowadays. The government abuses the powers that they were given by spreading misinformation to innocent citizens. I believe the main reason for corruption in the government is because people are misinformed on many topics.

Research Question: Is intentional misinformation spread by politicians and other people detrimental to American democracy?
Working thesis: Misinformation can mislead citizens to make crucial decisions by relying on false information, potentially leading them to making a vote they might not normally make which is why misinformation is a threat to Americans and American democracy.

- Politicians; global warming
- People outside U.S.; pizzagate, Germany
- Noncredible sources within the country; welfare, two newspapers about voting

Counterargument: not everyone remembers what they see or hear??

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