Tuesday, April 3, 2018

White Paper #3

When elected as a the new President of the United States, there are high expectations placed on the new official. The President is understood as the main representation of the government and its people. The president is supposed to consider the needs of the country and not their own opinions. Donald Trump has avoided the voices of millions citizens, therefore misrepresenting Americans. In my opinion Donald Trump should be impeached, but more research and evidence is needed to remove him officially from office.
Americans may believe that it was a mistake to put Trump into the Oval Office, but there needs to be cold hard facts in order to be able to even think about removing a high official. According to Vox’s Ezra Klein, if America had just incidentally put Trump into office and Trump does not turn out to be either a criminal nor incapable medically to perform his tasks as President of the United States it can be very difficult and dangerous to remove him. Ezra further quotes Representative Brad Sherman explaining that citizens would want physical evidence of the crime Trump is considered to be part of (Klein). Without any proof of misdemeanor, America is stuck with an official they thought would be great for our country. It is very rare to impeach a president as it is only used for extreme cases, therefore it is difficult to part take such actions with Trump without proof of extreme criminal activity about President Trump or medical proof of being misfit as a leader of a country.

There has been ongoing research to find reasons to impeach President Trump. Representative Steve Cohen presents in his speech the five articles of impeachment against Trump including money he has been borrowing from other countries or making on the side despite his salary as President. Cohen explains that there has been viewings of his criminal records, but none of it is considered an “impeachable defense”(Cohen). This just shows that there is not any sufficient evidence to impeach Trump at the moment. There are only belief reasons of what Trump has done and how it can be a threat to the Constitution and democracy, but nothing factual that can be used to impeach and remove Trump at the moment.

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