Monday, April 16, 2018

article paragraph

When I first opened the article and read the headline, "No, you're not entitled to your own opinion", I felt very confused. In school, we are generally taught to respect each others' opinions even if we do not agree with them or if they're wrong. We are not supposed to judge other people's characters due to their beliefs. When reading the article, I began to understand how come it is dangerous to say this. If we just allow people to believe something that is wrong without trying to convey them in the right direction, no one will want to learn true facts because they are so stubborn. People need to come to the realization that sometimes their initial view on something may be incorrect and that it is okay to admit that they're wrong and learn what is right. By telling people they are entitled to their opinions, we are creating a safe spot for them to be able to hold false beliefs. This in a way can lead to the cause of misinformation that is spread in American democracy. We tell people it is okay to have the incorrect belief, but then they go out and act to persuade people that what they believe is correct. An example would be global warming. It has been scientifically proven that global warming is a serious issue in our environment. Some people say it is not happening in sake of covering their fears. Because of this, there is misinformation saying that global warming is a conspiracy, which is far from the truth.

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